35 research outputs found

    Test-Driven, Model-Based Systems Engineering.

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    A systematic and practical method for selecting systems engineering tools

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    Test-driven modeling of embedded systems

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    Test-driven modeling and development of cloud-enabled cyber-physical smart systems

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    S ciljem očuvanja prirode te zaštite njezine krajobrazne i biološke raznolikosti Vlada Republike Hrvatske 2005. donosi Zakon o zaštiti prirode, a potom i Uredbu o proglašenju Ekološke mreže, koja omogućuje maksimalno očuvanje ugroženih vrsta i staništa. Veliki prostor Dubrovačko-neretvanske županije je ekološki vrijedan te se puno pažnje posvećuje očuvanju prirode. Kako bi se očuvanje što bolje provodilo, Dubrovačko-neretvanska županija prema mehanizmima zaštite okoliša ekološke mreže, donosi planove upravljanja te provodi ocjene prihvatljivosti svakog plana koji može bitno utjecati na zaštićena područja. Zbog sve razvijenijeg turizma i sve većeg protoka ljudi, poglavito ljeti, morska staništa na ovom području postaju sve ugroženija. Zbog te činjenice je upravo bitno postojanje pravilnika i dokumenata koji će određivati omogućavajuće i ograničavajuće procedure u svrhu što efikasnije zaštite ugroženih područja, te rad na njihovom razvijanju.With the aim of preserving nature and protecting its landscape and biodiversity, the Government of the Republic of Croatia adopted the Nature Protection Act and then the Decree on the Proclamation of the Ecological Network, which allows the maximum conservation of endangered species and habitats. The large area of the Dubrovnik-Neretva County is ecologically valuable and a lot of attention is devoted to the conservation of the nature. In order to preserve it as much as possible, the County of Dubrovnik-Neretva, according to the ecological network environmental protection mechanisms, issues management plans and conducts the assessment of the acceptability of each plan that can significantly affect the protected areas. Due to the increasingly developed tourism and the increasing flow of people, especially in summer, marine habitats in this area are becoming more and more vulnerable. Because of this fact, it is essential to have rules and documents that will provide for enabling and restrictive procedures for the purpose of protecting the most vulnerable areas and work on their development

    Test-driven modeling and development of cloud-enabled cyber-physical smart systems

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    Munck A. Interaction of glucocorticoids with macrophages. Identification of glucocorticoid receptors in monocytes and macrophages

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    The mononuclear phagocyte system plays a central role in mediating host responses in inflammation (1). Glucocorticoids have anti-inflammatory actions that may be of considerable importance in the therapeutic effects of these agents in chronic inflammation; it is possible that some of these effects are mediated through direct hormonal action on macrophages. Although the site of action of the glucocorticoids on macrophages has not been established, it has been shown that in many other glucocorticoid target systems the effects of glucocorticoids are mediated by specific macromolecular binding proteins, referred to as receptors (2-4). In this study we have established that monocytes and macrophages contain saturable glucocorticoid-binding proteins, with specificity of binding for cortisol, corticosterone, and related synthetic steroids such as dexamethasone, and that they have dissociation constants for binding within physiological ranges